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JOIN our Regent's Sports Council 2020-21 and bring your fitness ideas to life!

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

Our Sports and Activities Officer and the new SU President have created the first ever Sports Council which will aim to develop and improve the sports offering for all students at Regent’s University London.

The Council will offer a voice for students to express their opinions and ideas that will bring positive changes and increase in student engagement.

Rafail Krasto our current Sports and Activities Officer stated... “The creation of the Sports Council will build more bridges with the SU and our students,while at the same time act as another platform of communication with the university”.

Pascal Senn, current SU President, mentioned “Sports are a vibrant part of the student experience and we hope that the creation of the Sports Council will provide our students a platform to have their voices heard and their ideas brought to life!”

The council will hold meetings once a month and will hold all current sports club Presidents along with the VP of Student Experience and the Sports and Activities Officer. The names and contact details will be released in the near future.

Exciting times!!

We welcome and value our students input so if you have any questions and/or would like to be involved email us at 

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