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5 Ways to Make the Most of the Upcoming Online Semester

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

The Student Voice Volume 4

Written by Saatwik Maheshwari, Academic Events Officer


Our lives have changed significantly over the past few months, and we have experienced changes in almost every field of our lives. These changes are not stopping now, and one of the major changes coming to our lives as Regent’s students is the upcoming online semester.

All of us have received this news with different reactions, but with a bit of foresight, this has the potential to be one of our best learning experiences, one that can transform us and enable us to take on the world and times ahead more productively.

Here are 5 ways we can make the most of this upcoming semester:

Find new hobbies and rediscover old ones

We will likely be spending a good amount of time at home for the coming months, given all classes and exams will take place online. This is a wonderful chance to use the time we save by giving it to doing things that make us happy and fulfil us. Maybe you have old hobbies that you would like to take up again, or new ones that you’ve been wanting to try but haven’t had the time to do so – either way, this is the time to get (back) into your hobbies. This can easily be online or outdoors, so whatever your interest, you’re sure to find a way to pursue it.


Work on your CV

Since all of us will be saving a lot of time by not commuting to and being on campus, this is a golden opportunity to take up relevant internships and get job experiences to not only get a closer look into the field of your study, but also substantially build up your profile. Future employers and institutions that you apply to will definitely look favourably at the fact that you worked through these challenging times wisely.


Stay connected

Lockdowns everywhere have started to ease, but in the spirit of safety, a lot of us might be staying indoors for the most part of the coming weeks. In this time, it is immensely important to be connected with our friends and family. All of us at the Student Union are also hard at work in creating the best experience for you as possible for the coming semester, and you can stay connected and in the know of whatever we plan by following our activities on Instagram at @rulstudentunion, @suacademicevents, and @susocialevents.


Know what’s happening around the world, and help out

If there is one fact that we can all agree on, it is that 2020 has been a whirlwind of numerous unforeseeable and rather unfortunate events. While many of these were short-lived, some are ongoing, including our fight with COVID-19, the political unrest around the globe, and the fight with racism. In such times, as the young leaders of the future and capable changemakers of today, it is highly important that we know what’s going on around us and educate ourselves on concepts we don’t know much about. Read the news every day, form opinions, have informed conversations with people who (un)knowingly belittle these issues, and volunteer where needed, if you can. Our generation is where the power to bring about change is.


Plan ahead

Finally, use this time to do some thinking – I know I will. We all know that the world is changing; a lot of the jobs or courses we might have envisioned for our future might not be relevant anymore, or maybe we realise that we want to do something different. In either case, this time is a great opportunity to revisit our future plans and figure out if we need to do anything differently, and if not, it’s still a good habit to remind yourself of your goals every once in a while, so you know you’re on track.


If you have any ideas or content you wish to share with the Regent's community, email your suggestions to or DM us on Instagram!

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