The library may be closed, but we are still here to help you. We can provide:
- New Library Chat Service: you can now chat with a member of the Library Team and get an answer to your question in real-time
- E-resources: support with accessing electronic resources and troubleshooting issues
- E-books: we have been buying lots of e-books! Check your Reading List to view the most recent additions.
- Book renewals: we have automatically renewed all items on loan until the 31st May and we will continue to do so should the lockdown be extended further
- Assignment and coursework: you can contact the Academic Skills Team at and book an online one-to-one with them.
- Referencing and citations: send us your enquiries at
Our operating hours are Monday to Friday 9am – 9pm; Saturday and Sunday 10am – 5pm.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Library Team
