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Regent's Series: LOCK-DOWN HEROES (6)

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

Get to know Rebekah - BA Liberal Studies/International Relations student.

Discover... how she is doing, her cute companion "Rupert", what keeps her motivated and so much more...

Rebekah Sadovnikov was nominated because: "She and her puppy Rupert provide the best online mental support"

How do you feel about being nominated?

I am honestly a little bit shocked. I do not think I'm doing more than the average person right now, I'm just trying not to waste my time and complete some productive tasks. I thank whoever nominated me; while unexpected, it is still very sweet.

What keeps you motivated to work hard whilst SFH (studying from home)?

I can find London to be overwhelming, and many times, tasks that I want to do never get done here. I've used this time to do side projects and hone in on what career I want to pursue. I just don't want to look back on this time in 20 years and realise all I did was watch Netflix.

What does a typical SFH day look like to you?

I usually wake up early to take my dog on a walk before the park gets quite busy. I then make an excessive amount of coffee and try to get something done that day. I've been splitting my time between my dissertation, master's applications, and my website. Although some days I do need a bit of a mental break or lazy day, (especially when there's occasional sun), so I'll spend my time reading outside, baking, or walking/running through the park.

How do you stay connected with your lecturers, tutors and fellow students?

Instagram has been a lifesaver for staying connected to my friends at university. I'm usually too lazy to text, so it's a lot easier to send a quick photo of the latest cake I made or Rupert (my dog) in the pond. I've been keeping in touch with my tutors mostly over email, thankfully most of them have been very diligent and quick to respond. They've also been incredibly supportive during all of this, even though most have their own struggles. As far as I am concerned, they really deserve this honour as they have adapted to the harsh environment and are still extremely helpful.

Do you have any cute SFH companions (pets)?

Yes! I have Rupert, who's a ten-month-old cockapoo (mix between a cocker spaniel and poodle). He's been great for me during this time, as he makes me get out of bed by 8am every day. We usually walk for a couple hours every day in Hampstead Heath, or go on a 5k, depending on my mood. He's a great companion for me as I can just talk to him, and he doesn't talk back (unlike my sister).

What's keeping you entertained during your downtime - do you have any books, hobbies, films, TV, podcast recommendations?

Even though I have tried to limit my TV time, I've been entirely unsuccessful. I would highly recommend the TV series 'Chuck' or 'Good Omens.' The occasional glass of wine never hurts to make a lousy TV shows better. I've also attempted to read a bit more, I just finished 'Guns, Germs, and Steel', and I'm currently reading 'A Tale of Two Cities.' I've also started baking a fair bit. I had to stop for a while because while my stomach thanked me, I could not continue eating whole cakes unless I wanted to buy a new wardrobe.

What do you miss the most about being on campus?

Easily the cheap filtered coffee in the cafeteria and the £3.50 salad box. That salad box was how I got most of my vegetables, and since quarantine, I've been too lazy to put effort into recreating it. I think like everyone else, I miss the campus and all the flora. I was really looking forward to seeing the roses bloom on campus and in the Rose Garden.

What do you love the most about Regent's?

I think how open the teachers are to offer help, and how much they can work with students. Since there are small class sizes, it's easier to get the one on one support you need from teachers, compared to other universities. My teachers have been really supportive and have helped me find my career path and learn a lot about work ethic.

Any final comments or advise for your fellow students?

Just to remember that each person needs to take care of themselves now. Each person is going through there own difficult time now, and it's been hard for most people around the world. Give yourself compassion when you mess up and learn what you need to keep yourself happy. Also, eat cake and enjoy it.


Who is your lockdown hero? Nominate your friend here

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