There’s plenty of evidence that taking part in physical activity can have a positive impact with most common being:
Improved mood
Reduced stress
Increased self-esteem
Preventing depression and anxiety
But we must acknowledge that there are barriers to physical activity such as:
Not enough time to exercise
No motivation
No confidence in the ability to be physically active
Fear being injured or have been injured recently
Lack of encouragement or support from family and friends
No convenient location to exercise
If any of these barriers sound familiar, then you must learn to overcome. This is why we are here to help by giving advice on sport and fitness, tips on how to cope with depression (& more) and where to seek for help, check the student support section. Also to activate your spark of curiosity we recommend you to read our Hidden Londons posts that will showcase how unique the city you have chosen to study is which eventually will get you to go for a walk and/or ride!

We have launched a Regent's Active Club on Strava with the aim of engaging with you wherever you are. You only need to create an account and join our group www.strava.com/clubs/regentsactive. Get to meet our community and start your journey for improving your mental health.
This article is very true to reality. Sometimes we for simple reasons as in the article and can not have a continuous physical activity process and achieve the desired results Fnaf