Written by Davis Goldenberg, Vice President of Student Experience
We are very excited to introduce Babel, our brand new SU Magazine! We will publish new issues online every other month beginning in September, with printed versions available upon request. Our first issue will focus on the diversity of our Regent’s community and will include a feature on the members of our Student Union as well as Academic Events, Social Events and Societies features. There will also be a section featuring a couple of our amazing alumni that have moved on from Regent’s, but continue to carry their experiences and knowledge learned with them. Additionally, we will be highlighting students from our many different program areas at Regent’s to showcase their talents and interests. We are accepting submissions for our first issue from all students at this time. You may submit articles, poems, artwork, volunteer to be interviewed about something interesting you are pursuing, or anything else you can think of including!
For any submissions or questions, contact: suvpstudentexperience@regents.ac.uk.
The deadline for submissions: Monday, 14 September 2020